life advice
The Laws of Feeling Happy
Putting yourself first is the first step in your quest for fulfillment. Use these tips to get on track and spread the love to those around you.

Would you be ready if all of a sudden a magical genie popped out of a lamp and gave you three wishes, and you had to provide the genie those wishes within a few minutes? What would you ask for? Don't forget how easily the genie can misunderstand wishes, so be sure you are clear and definite otherwise you could end up receiving the wrong thing. For example: If you wish for a million bucks, you might get a herd of male deer!

In the real world, how many of us are prepared and have taken the time to clarify what we really want for our lives? Do you know what that it and are you able to articulate it? This is what the Law of Attraction is all about and how it works. Simply, it gives you what it receives from you. It’s a circle of what you send out you receive, and the laws of attraction listens 24 hours a day, not just those few minutes while you are giving the genie your greatest wishes. So even if you were granted three wishes that you thought would make you happy, you'd need to maintain that happiness, otherwise you would fall back into the emotional state you lived before the genie parked a red Ferrari in your garage. With that in mind, here are a few tips to follow when adhering to the laws of being happy.

Take the time to truly:

* Discover what it is you are truly looking for to make you feel fulfilled

* Think, ponder, dream and imagine and then write it down

* Dream big! Let your thoughts soar to the stars

* Treat yourself right so that you can bestow good things to others, including your spouse and family, then spread the joy

* Make yourself feel good because you deserve it

* Do it all with love in your heart—inner unconditional love.

Can we really be truly happy and content when we know there are so many others that are not and don’t have the opportunities that we have? I have discovered that in order for me to be truly happy, everyone else needs to be truly happy. So my wishes are about ensuring that everyone receives love, happiness, health and abundance. If everyone is blessed and feels fulfilled, then wouldn’t this be a much happier place to be? Wouldn’t we then be thrilled about our lives? There would be no greed, no competition, no stealing, no power struggles, no manipulation, no control, no poverty, no starvation, no wars, no violence—all of this would be null and void.

Remember, it starts with you first, so be sure to do the following:

* Take good care of yourself; and that includes thinking good things about you

* Love yourself from your heart and not from the aggressive and controlling ego self

* Be prepared and let the universe know exactly what is your auspicious life

* Keep focused without any doubt or fear; and without harm to others

* Choose to do good things for yourself so that it will overflow to others.

Wendy Baudín, MPA, SLC started paving her path to become a Self-Love Sherpa 30 years ago. Having dealt with and overcome a wide range of challenges from surviving a near-death experience, suffering the tragic loss of a twin son at birth, divorce, and being a care giver for a parent, she acquired the skills to move ahead with grace — without carrying the weight of such heavy baggage. Wendy’s mission today is to work side by side with women at mid-life. Working together, Wendy takes them on a step-by-step journey to reach toward the mountaintops that are their highest and best expression of what they want their life and work to be about today.

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