life advice
Find and Embrace the Soul Within
Springtime is often associated with new beginnings. Start your own today with these five tips.

Spring is here and nature is speaking to us in a voice too loud to ignore. Human nature is the same. We each have a period of renewal and our growth must not be ignored. As we identify with the changes that springtime brings, we too need to identify with the changes in ourselves. It’s time to put a name to that soul inside of you! Go ahead, give it a name because that soul within you is a powerful tool that allows you to understand and embrace your profound existence. Here are five ways to retune that spirit inside.

1. Remove doubts: Eliminate questions about who you are or what you value. You already know these things and other people's uniqueness have, at one point, probably tried to change your own. Do not doubt yourself or your values. These are the type of things that make up your core.

2. Embrace your uniqueness: You are special and different and that's good! It’s probably what your spouse was attracted to in the beginning. There is a reason we are given the talents and struggles that are individual; it breads uniqueness, which is not only powerful, it is valuable.

3. Witness others: Your profound being cannot exist alone, and others like your spouse and family, must also be valued for whom they are. By embracing others and their journeys, you can heal your soul in immensely powerful ways. Take interest in what they do by asking questions and listening to their answers. It’s a simple way to help strengthen relationships and build strong, lasting connections.

4. Choose wisely: As human beings, we are the only species that can choose to ignore or embrace our instincts and desires. Ignoring those deep rumblings of one’s self can be harmful, but choosing to embrace your soul's identity brings more to you than you can imagine.

5. Get deep: Cleaning only the surface of your soul, or anything for that matter, does not work for long-term preservation. Your soul cannot be dusted off ever so often. Take the time to really listen to yourself and allow that name you’ve chosen to resonate within you. Stay consistent with your daily rituals and build upon them each and every day.

“You are a carbon-based miracle of nature simply waiting to explode with your unique brilliance.”

I hope you take these tips to heart, and soul, and allow yourself to be who you are. Anytime you are unsure of yourself or if what you feel is right, please remember that you are a carbon-based miracle of nature simply waiting to explode with your unique brilliance. You are profound, you have relevance, and you are profoundly relevant. Do not allow others to judge you for a façade, allow your soul to shine through.

Melanie DewBerry specializes in "Soul Naming," which she says is similar to a brand for the soul. She draws inspiration from her Native American roots of naming one’s purpose and destiny. DewBerry is also an accomplished public speaker whose down-to-earth approach opens doors to applicable conversations on consciousness in business and life. She has been a featured speaker for TEDx conferences, University seminars, the U.S. Social Security Administration, and several other business and self-help engagements. Watch Melanie DewBerry speak at TEDxSFU (Vancouver) and at Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability Forum. If you would like to learn more about Melanie Dewberry, visit her on her website

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