Simple Tips to Help Aging Parents Manage Their Home
We all worry about our parents, and managing their own home properly can be stressful. Here are some helpful tips to make sure everything runs smoothly.

As we all age, worrying about our parents and their health is a constant. Taking a more authoritative role in the management of their home may be necessary, although it's not always easy and can be an ongoing process. Here are a few tips to consider to get you and your parents on the same page about when it comes to home maintenance and management.

Whether you are near or far, it's important that you have an understanding of your parents home activities, making it easier to respond if they request your assistance. Home maintenance, for example, can take some work that requires recommended contractors or specialty service providers—sometimes weekly, monthly or annually. Having the contact information of these individuals or companies, and the schedules of the maintenance tasks can help you feel comfortable that they are completed competently in your parent’s home. This will result in a healthy home for your parents and one that is maintaining its value.

Understanding the physical needs of your parents as they age is also important. You can help your parents with home improvement projects that better their lifestyle by managing the timeline and budgets of these projects. Create an open dialogue with them about these projects to help understand your parents' current living arrangements. Pay close attention to any safety hazards you hear about. Ask for photos, videos and information so you can identify whether the process is moving along and if the project will be completed on time.

Just the process of regular home maintenance can directly affect the health of your parents. Stay on top of air filters and HVAC updates to ensure good air quality in their home. Keep an eye out for loose object or tripping hazards that could cause injuries, falls or other accidents. The last thing either of you want is an additional repair stop taking place at the hospital emergency room.

Children who take an active role in helping their parents manage their home can leverage systems to help them track annual and ongoing home maintenance and home improvement projects to create peace of mind for both the parents and the children. Knowing that your parents are safe in their own home is a vital element to maintaining that peace.

Elizabeth Dodson is co-founder of HomeZada, an online home management solution. She brings more than 15 years experience in marketing, financial planning, sales, and partner management to this revolutionary venture. Ms. Dodson is responsible for the business management, sales, marketing, and partner relationships for HomeZada.

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