Creating a Healthy Relationship with Technology: 5 Easy, Take-Charge Tips
Technology is a an instrument that, when wielded responsibly, can benefit each of us in tremendous ways.

Technology can be a beautiful thing. From cell phones that allow us to stay in constant contact with loved ones to laptops that let us take work and play wherever we go, the perks of living in the digital era are tremendous. On many fronts, technology makes life easier and less demanding. Yet, technology can also make life more complicated and stressful. The key, as with many elements of life, is to create the right relationship—a thoughtful balance. Technology isn’t inherently good or bad; it’s the wise use of technology that makes all the difference.

No matter your age, it is easy to get caught up in the hypnotic buzz of the digital realm. In fact, many people report feeling extremely anxious or stressed when they don’t have access to their cell phones or computers. The mere idea of unplugging from technology—even for a few hours—is enough to distress those who are accustomed to being glued to their screens. Indeed, today’s technology is designed to captivate human interest—to perpetuate habits that keep individuals mesmerized by social media, online games, and the consumption of products. As well, the ready portability of technology blurs the line between work and home. It’s no longer uncommon for both men and women to take work home; laptops and cell phones provide easy, 24-hour-a-day access to work-related tasks. Children, too, spend vast amounts of their days in front of digital screens. It’s no secret that technology increasingly plays a dominating role in many people’s lives.

If technology has a large presence in your life, you might be thinking, "What’s the big deal? I like technology." Yet, the latest research reveals that the overuse of technology really is a big deal. From having negative effects on family relationships to being correlated with increased levels of anxiety and stress, the downside of technology is becoming more apparent. Indeed, many of my clients report that technology interferes with their intimate relationships, friendships, parenting, and personal sense of well-being.

A few quick facts from a recent survey underscore just a few of the negative effects of technology overuse:

* 48 percent of millennials worry that social media may adversely affect their mental and physical health.

* 45 percent of parents report that technology makes them feel disconnected from their families even when they are together.

* 58 percent of parents worry that social media may negatively affect their child’s mental and physical health.

* 35 percent of employed parents check work e-mail often or constantly on days off.

* 48 percent of parents report that regulating their child’s screen time is a constant battle.

These facts barely scratch the surface; the overuse or misuse of technology can create a host of problems that manifest in a variety of ways. Studies indicate that personal relationships, physical health, and mental health are suffering as a result of the imbalanced role that technology plays in today’s world. Although you might feel chained to your habits, positive change is possible. You can learn to take charge of technology rather than letting technology take charge of you by default. Developing a conscious, thoughtful relationship with technology is a key part of the process.

If it sounds too scary or uncomfortable to shift your relationship with technology, it’s likely that technology has too big a grip on you and your life. Finding a healthy balance isn’t as hard as it might seem. You don’t need to make huge changes; simple adjustments can go a long way to bringing balance into your life. Although the initial shifts toward positive changes may be disconcerting at first, the new normal you create might be exactly what you and your loved ones need. The easy, take-charge tips outlined below will help you create a healthy relationship with technology—and restore balance to your life.

* Leave technology out of the bedrooms. Your sleep, emotional state, and overall health will benefit when you leave the digital world outside the bedroom.

* Create a policy of leaving cell phones away from the dinner table and family events. When enjoying time with loved ones, focus on those you are with at the time. It is simply disrespectful to take phone calls or check e-mails and texts when spending time with others.

* Make at least one weekend day or evening an "unplugged day." Use this time to talk, play, and focus on communicating with loved ones.

* Create a balanced relationship with technology that makes time for outdoor exercise. For example, encourage a half hour of physical activity for every hour spent in front of a digital screen.

* Use time spent in front of a computer or television to generate interactive discussions. Let technology be an instrument for bonding and connecting through conversations that explore topics ranging from blockbuster movies to the effects of cyberbullying.

Strive to craft thoughtful changes that you, your spouse, and your family can feel good about in the long term. Some family members might resist the changes, but half the fun of being a parent is making wise rules and sticking to them. Once you’ve made your outline of healthy technology use guidelines, post it in a visible spot. Remember, change doesn’t happen overnight, so it’s important to be patient. Consistency is vital as you enforce healthy new ground rules that will benefit you and your relationships.

As a clinical psychologist in Sonoma County, California, Dr. Carla Marie Manly maintains a focus on helping clients transform their lives and their relationships. Using a body-mind-spirit approach that underscores the importance of overall wellness, Dr. Manly works with her clients on a highly individualized basis to uncover the core concerns that often manifest as psychological, behavioral, and somatic symptoms. Combining traditional depth psychotherapy with somatic therapy, Dr. Manly offers her clients a specialized approach to creating passionate, joy-filled lives. Working in both individual and group settings, she strives to promote change by increasing her clients’ personal self-awareness and insight.  A devoted writer, speaker, and yoga instructor, Dr. Manly is dedicated to helping others create the lives of their dreams. California License: Psy25539. For more, visit and follow her on Google+.

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