life advice
The Power of the Pause
With just two simple tips you can change your interaction with the world.

Do you find yourself frustratedly stuck in the same patterns? You may not even notice it’s a pattern. However, if you spend some time to think on it, you’ll see a pattern. We all have them.

Maybe it’s a tired argument with your partner/spouse. Perhaps it’s a certain frustrating dynamic between you and someone else. How about this one? You want to get something done but you decide to take a peek at social media… and 2 hours later… nothing is done.

We do so many things on autopilot these days. We have become very reactive in the literal sense of the word. We are re-acting. Doing the same thing we’ve already done. Even if we don’t enjoy it.

This is the first piece of magic I have for you. AWARENESS. I don’t mean you’re just aware you do things you don’t like. I mean awareness in the moment when it matters.

We’re going to count on our bodies for this because our brain is doing what it knows how to do, which is to follow a pathway we’ve created.

Let’s focus on behaviors we don’t want to keep… and call those the path to nowhere good. Take a few moments to think about how your body feels when you get caught on your path to nowhere good.

Personally, my body feels super stiff… like there’s a spring wound so tight it’s going to explode. Sometimes, I get hot. I don’t breathe much. I can’t really say what’s going on around me other than whatever is irritating me. That sounds overly dramatic for when someone asks me for a favor I don’t want to do… but stick with me.

Your body will tell you something is happening even when your brain doesn’t recognize it. Or more accurately, your brain just thinks it’s how things work. Brains like things to stay status quo. The brain keeps us from changing too quickly. Its job is keeping us safe and all that. We need to rely on our body’s messages if we want to change.

Let me be honest… When I first practiced this technique, my awareness didn’t kick in until I’d raced down my path to nowhere good and I was stewing in my nowhere good place.

But that totally counts! Because once it happens, you start catching yourself sooner. The amazing part of this is that once you figure it out for one situation, you can easily transfer it to others. Your body’s messages are always there for you.

So, sitting here now knowing your body’s messages to you… think of how you may become aware when you’re on the path to nowhere good. I wore a bracelet that had one word on it… Breathe.

This brings me to the second piece of magic. This one is even simpler.

It’s what I like to call The Power of the Pause.

When you become aware you’re on your path to nowhere good, you need to do something different than what you normally would do. Even if you do nothing.

I recommend you start with the pause. My very favorite technique is to breathe. Breathe in for a count of 6 and out for a count of 8. Do it a few times. You’ll be amazed at what you can do with a few breaths.

Meanwhile, your brain is saying "huh, oh, ok… we’re doing this now" and not taking you headlong down the path to nowhere good. Now you can be proactive about what you do next.

Two things to remember: Awareness and Pause. These will be your best tools when you’re ready to create your own path to somewhere awesome! Being aware of our own role and reaction in each situation, that is power. Even just mastering these two things… you’re already saying "Hi Power… how DO you do?"

After 20+ years as a leader in corporate America, Jennifer Embery made the transition to her life on purpose. She is a speaker, life coach, and writer who helps women over 40 determine what they want to do and how to do it.  Click here for your free time-saver-energy-giver activity.  Click here to sign up for your complimentary strategy session.  For more info visit

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