The Cycle Stops With You: 3 Ways to Stop Feeding Emotional Eating
Emotional eating strips us of healthy choices. Here's how to take back control.

Emotional eating is a concern of many women across the nation. It is no surprise with food being at the forefront of most gatherings, rewards, and commercials that we have such a fixation on food. For many women, the thought of not turning to food for comfort seems impossible.

Often, without even thinking we turn to treats to reward our children, spouses or co-workers; and even to reward us for reaching health goals. Subconsciously, we train our minds daily that food is indeed what we go to in moments of celebration, joy, and sadness. It's no wonder that we struggle with emotional eating.

The good news is we can reprogram our minds to make new choices and create new habits. It all starts with being more conscious of why we are doing what we do!

Here are three ways to shift your mindset, get to the root cause, and start finding more food freedom:

1. Pinpoint Your Feelings When You Turn to Food: Do you turn to food when you're happy or perhaps it's more when you are feeling let down? Once you start to identify when you are most likely to turn to food in an emotional state you can start to create choices. For example, if you turn to ice cream when you are sad, which in turn makes you feel more let down by your choice, what can you do that brings you joy instead? Is it calling a friend? Taking a warm bath? Maybe journaling your feelings and working through them is the answer. Whatever it is for you make a plan ahead of time that this is what you will turn to when you are feeling this emotion and thus the process of creating a new habit begins!

2. Change Your Surroundings: Let’s be honest, if we know we want to break a habit—the closer to us it is, the harder it is to break. Start with clearing your home out of foods that do not serve your goals. Yes, even if you have kids. What you consume they consume. This is where breaking the cycle starts. While a treat is fine once in and while; if you are rewarding your family in happiness or sadness with treats, you are creating a pattern of fueling emotional eating you are trying so desperately to heal in yourself. It starts with you!

If going down a certain aisle at the grocery store always ends up with a cart full of treats, choose to avoid the aisle or even a new store for a while. These little shifts will make it harder for you to give in to those emotional cravings. Even just the time it may take you to order a treat or go to the store for one can be enough time for you to gain the willpower to decide it isn’t worth it and turn the emotional distress into a moment of victory and joy!

3. Shift Your Mindset: The way we think about our struggles often helps create the life we live. Instead of thinking I will never get passed this. Flip the script and tell yourself I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to. The choices I am making now are creating the future version of myself. Empower yourself, It is ok to say "no" to an outing or event where you don’t feel it will aid in healthy choices. Every time you choose, you get stronger. Before you know it, you will be able to attend an event with your favorite dessert and turn it down if you don’t feel like it. It just takes time. Making these shifts will empower future generations to have a healthier relationship with food and not have to share in the same struggles. If you find it hard to do it for yourself, do it for them.

Healing emotional eating is possible. It is ok to stumble, we all do, just don’t quit.

Natalia Richardson is a Women’s Holistic Health Coach, Public Speaker, Certified Professional Life Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Coach, Writer, and Body Builder. She is an influential voice in women’s health, self-love, food freedom, and personal development.  She has grown her business from the ground up and impacted countless women’s lives. Her mission is to help everyone step into the healthiest and most successful versions of themselves. You can connect with her on her website

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