Spring Cleaning That Will Ignite Your Marriage
We guarantee you've never cleaned like this before. A cleaning that will leave your home, marriage and much more feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

Exhale! We’ve sprung forward and are now embracing the glorious wonders of spring. Our gardens are blooming and love is truly in the air. There is nothing like the feeling of rebirth that springtime brings; and with its advent we typically think of 'house' or 'spring-cleaning.' Let’s transcend the norm and extend those lofty goals to our love life. Let’s eliminate the cobwebs, dust bunnies, mold and mildew that may exist, not only beneath our beds, but in our relationships. It’s time to plant a different kind of seed; a seed that will bloom into a vibrant bond for you and your spouse.

And who said cleaning can’t be sexy and fun? These tips will help you kick it up a notch and get the momentum going for many long, hot, steamy days and nights. Men, get ready—you will never feel the same about house cleaning again! These seven easy-to-follow, sexy tips will help breathe a little fresh spring air into your love life.

1. Underwear audit. Unmentionables? Ladies and gentlemen it is time to perform an audit on your underwear drawer. Free yourselves from the holey moleys. You know, the once sexy garments now currently adorned with the holes that keep getting larger and larger? Banish the unraveling thongs and the bras that date back to your years in junior high, and, need I say it, the 'slightly blemished and stained' pieces lurking in the nether regions of your highboy. Anything stained must go! Ladies, you may think he doesn't care what you wear, but trust me, wearing pretty undergarments will make you feel sexier and send signals of positive energy that his receptors will quickly absorb. Same for the men as well. Gentleman, I can tell you hands down that she is checking out the underwear.

2. Nether region grooming. Ladies, with bathing suit season around the corner, it’s time to get rid of the "foliage." A little pruning, shall we say, may be needed. Nothing lights those fires more than a shaving party. This can be scheduled at any time of the day or evening. For instance, should you plan an early morning party, stimulate your palate, as well, by indulging in a frosty pitcher of fresh mimosas and a tray of bite-sized succulent fruit. Relax. It is ok.

Now, gentleman, I am sure you shave your face with precision and pride. Well, why not use your skills to shape up her legs with a sexy shave and massage? Ladies, don’t miss out on the opportunity to take care of your man’s foliage as well. The idea? Spending quality time together and introducing something fresh and new to the relationship. Chances are that a little newness will ignite the flames and propel you both to previously unchartered plateaus.

3. Flirt with a clean kitchen and bath. Reorganizing the kitchen and bathroom cabinets has never been such fun! Get down and dirty in those dark recesses together. Ladies, break out the Daisy Dukes. Gentlemen, shirts need not apply. Put all thoughts of modesty and a need for a few more trips to the gym aside. Just do it. Lots of flirting please, and perhaps you’ll soon be squealing, "thank you!" Without a doubt, you will be surprised at how sexy it can be when deciding to handle those pesky little spring cleaning chores—together!

4. Clean your clock. Roll with the time change and switch up your sex clock. If you always do it at bedtime, change things up and make it happen the moment you both get home from work. Create your own love scene. Script it as if you were directing your own movie, only you are now the star. Really turn up the action and have fun. By changing things up, you will keep the relationship fresh and experience a sense of renewed love.

5. Rub the tooties. Lose your inhibitions and give in. It is a great way to show your spouse you love them unconditionally and are receptive when it comes to experiencing their innermost desires. So you never liked giving a foot massage? Lose your inhibitions and help get your mate’s feet ready to soak up the sunshine by giving each other a relaxing foot massage. Better yet, start by creating a little spa magic and luxuriate those pinkies in a blissfully soothing foot bath followed by a sexy massage! This is something you will both look forward to and it will soon become a treasured ritual.

6. Don't forget the jams. Remember the romance when you spring into each other’s arms. Dust off the oldies but goodies and spend the evening listening to your favorite love songs. A slow dance or two—or four—will take a load off and allow you to lose yourself in each other’s arms. No need for a lot of talking, just gaze into the eyes of your personal star.

7. More lawn grooming. If you are fortunate to have a lawn care service provider, great. If not, get busy cutting the grass and trimming the weeds—no puns intended. Afterwards, make a point of enjoying a shower together and break out the Bocce! Additionally, you do not need a huge yard or even a fancy court. Remember, playing together is a big part of staying together!

Mary Chatman is a romantic decorating specialist and founder of Love Life Designs, LLC, a romantic decorating and design firm facilitating Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York City. For more information or to add romance to your abode, visit

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