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Too many and too much of the holidays? It's time to focus on where you are and what you have.

You will begin to experience the miracles in life when you stop focusing on the bad things and give equal weight to the good things that happen.

Once you discover what your superpower is, you can summon it when things get tough.

Not all reading is the same. Find out how reading can reduce your stress.

Each of us only have 24 hours a day. We can choose to spend that time however we want. The key is to actually choose.

We all have a superpower within us. We just need to identify it and then deploy it to the best of our abilities.

When things feel like they're getting a little out of control, remember these three words that can be put into action.

A simple phrase can help bond the positive feels you have with the recipient. The two words are...

If we're going to heal within our community, workplace, and nation... we need to look beyond opposing views and into the heart.

Rather than slipping into the circumstances you find yourself in, decide to take control of what you can to better your situation.

With the world currently upside, we'll need to work through the process to achieve (sometimes unforeseen) hopeful results.

By framing the language from something that's impossible to something that's a choice, you've taken your power back.

Times are tough right now, but the one thing we can control is how we respond. We can start by taking a breath.

Bad circumstances are inevitably going to present themselves throughout life. It's our choice how to address them—even Covid-19.

When you're faced with a problem you can complain or get inspired.

Being in quarantine is the pits. Here are two things you can do to better acclimate to your new reality.

Every day we make choices that are moving us toward our goals or further from them. Here's a quick mantra to move you in the right direction.

With a little shift in how you approach the holidays season you can transform every step of the process.

Each of us needs to find a moral high-road figure to remind us that it's our choice in how we act.

Halloween might not be as scary this year once we learn to embrace the gift of fear.

For nearly all of us, we rarely find ourselves in a crisis and can tackle the regularly annoyances with the help of a couple words.

It's a choice as to whether we let a negative incident cascade into another. When we're mindful we can simply walk on by.

Here's how to resolve a disagreement when you're upset by explaining the background behind your feelings. It's a little more effort, but worth it.

We definitely notice when things aren't going our way. After all... it's just our luck. However, what if we flipped that sentiment on its head?

When you find yourself in with a challenge in life, you have two simple perspectives to take: victim or hero.

Love and romance are not the same. This Valentine's Day consider focusing on the former.

A successful resolution isn't just about reaching a goal, it's also about creating and following a path to get you there.

It's easy to get caught up in the complaining game, but maybe we should take inspiration from our best friends.

We like to dress the part of super hero on Halloween, but this four-year-old is living out the actions of one.

Every problem has a solution. The tricky part is focusing on the latter.

We all face problems, not unlike those reliant upon the coffee trade. So what does that have to do with your daily life?

It's difficult to get where we want to go in life if we don't first dream it. The second part is to hold on to that dream.

Don't waste your time with things that are bogging you down.

What's holding you back from achieving your dream? Identify it and start moving forward today.

We often think of sacrifices as something we lose, but sometimes the things we lose are ultimately gains.

When you deliberately focus on joy and gratitude you'll be rewarded.

The best thing about the gift of hope is that it's free and boundless.

Even if you feel divided from those around you, it's within you to see the similarities and humanity.

Eliminate the, "I’m right, your wrong" arguments in your marriage with these 2 simple tips.

Why well-thought-out decisions can increase your chances for a better marriage—and better life!

Learning to set limits with your spouse and friends will help you gain respect from those you love most and therefore allow you to be a gracious giver.

Take responsibility, avoid the victim roll, and watch your marriage grow.

Learn how to state your needs and wants with this simple method.

Why it’s important to match and balance your behaviors with your words to show how you truly feel towards one another.

Wanting a closer relationship and achieving one can leave a lot of couples in a lurch. Don't let indecision suffocate your happiness, here's how.

Making friends with the new couple in town can be a great way to refresh your marriage. But, it’s important to know who these people are. Here’s how.

What better present could you give your beloved this Valentine’s Day, than such loving patience? Used well, patience will serve you and your spouse magnificently.

Stand on solid ground and feel the safety and stability of your marriage with these four tips.

Negativity can be a killer if you don’t know how to properly channel its effects. Instead, use the negativity you feel as a catalyst for change and watch your marriage grow.

Feeling like your relationship needs are not being met? See how you can change that with one simple step.

Have a dream, but your spouse isn’t really feeling it? Why it’s important to keep them in the equation, but at a distance that pleases you both.

With such intimate knowledge of your partner, it's easy to say hurtful things. These tips will help keep their good qualities top-of-mind.

Taking your anger and understanding the motivation behind it will help you see both sides and can lead to a happier marriage down the road.

Life—and your marriage—is more fun when it has meaning! Here’s how to make it happen.

Don’t taint your marriage with negatives and "what-ifs." Use this guide as a way to help restore personal control and move forward.

Drop the self-righteous attitude and get back into the love you want with your spouse!

It’s time to stop apologizing for things you can’t control and start finding solutions to what you can.

It doesn’t require a lot, but it’s imperative to use both your heart and your head when searching for the path to enlightenment. Here’s how!

Things don’t always go to plan, but that doesn’t mean your date night needs to be scrapped. Lighten up and turn a downer date night something special!

In marriage, passionate nature shouldn’t include one-sided outbursts. Use these tips to deal with a quick-tempered spouse.

Learning to speak out and deal with life’s irritations will help you create a better mind and body balancing act.

Just because you are a character, doesn’t mean you have character. Use these tips to help strengthen, develop and build character in your marriage.

Life is full of unexpected hardships, but it’s possible to pull through with your marriage intact. Here’s how!

Letting go of the past, no matter what it may be, will help you and your spouse move forward in a positive direction.

Why saying or comparing your marriage to OK isn’t really OK.

Trying to control every situation and event in your life and marriage will only cause more havoc. Use these 3 tips to let go and take the situation for what it is.

It’s easy to point the finger, but that’s not going to solve the problem. Here's why and how it’s best to work out tough situations together.

4 ways to tell if your new friend is a "seducer" (not what you think) or genuine.

Instead of acting on impulses and making quick decisions, take your time to think about the impact it will have on you and your marriage.

Finding a balance between nice and assertive in your marriage is possible. Here’s how.

Spouse got you frustrated? 4 tips to stay focused on the good stuff!

Are things becoming stale in your marriage? Use these tips to bring new light and get excited about your marriage again!

What’s the difference between one who helps versus one who enables? Here are some quick tips on how you can put an end to your spouse’s bad behavior by helping, not enabling.

Don't confuse approval with the love in your marriage. Dr. Nelson explains the difference and how that understanding will improve your marriage.

Is the fear of loving yourself and those around you ruining your life. See why you might be afraid to look on the bright side of things.

Learn how mental rehearsal can help you and your spouse communicate more effectively.

Sometimes it feels like you’re doing everything, while your spouse does nothing. Use these tips to talk less and get more of what you want.

Don't let life's "stuff" muck up your marriage. Read on to help put the negative behind you.

When you have a gut instinct about something, what's an appropriate response?

Self-pity is a seductive drug. Make it a point to squash it in 2019.

How you can stop pointing the finger at yourself and your spouse and start resolving the issues at hand.

Why it’s important to be yourself and do what makes you happy in order to have a stronger marriage.

Use these 3 tips to help you or your spouse keep their composure if they become unemployed

How negative events can translate into positive avenues of progress and help you explore deeper issues in your marriage.

Don’t let lulls in your marriage dictate its future. Stay positive and use these tips to avoid the temptation of an extra marital affair.

4 ways to help end misplaced anger and say the right things without reacting negatively.

How you can keep anxiety in check before it ruins your relationship.

Sometimes your spouse’s perfectionist quarks can drive you up the wall. Here are a few ways to accept them as a positive.

Dr. Nelson offers some advice on how to take your stress levels and flip them to increase the amount of joy in your life.

Why fear (particularly from a job loss) should never dictate the positive forces in your marriage.

Listening isn't the easiest thing to do, but it can if you follow a few simple steps.

How to take an objective look at yourself and change the things you don't like.

Relieve stress this holiday season with a few simple phrases.

Your body language says more than you might think. Don't send mixed messages to your spouse by saying one thing with your mouth and another with your body.

How to deal with anger without losing your head or your spouse.

Understanding your spouse comes by understanding their point of view.

Talking poorly about your spouse with your friends may be fun, but it can damage your marriage.

Don't let worry become a habit in your marriage or your life. Here's how.

The answer on how to receive appreciation for all that you do in your marriage may surprise you.

Take a step back and use some problem solving skills to deter unwanted stress.

How being enthusiastic in your marriage can lead to a brighter future.

How appreciating your partner is the best way to rekindle the magic of your early years.

Rediscover the prince in your man this Valentine’s Day.

9 Ways to make '09 the best year yet!

3 ways to accept your spouse's differences.

Whether you're in a good or bad relationship, familiarity is comfort. Learn to value your good marriage.

Acceptance and appreciation go hand-in-hand. When loving, it's important to not just focus on the negatives.

It’s time to own up and be responsible for yourself and your actions. Here's how.

You don’t have to be a clone to your spouse. Acknowledging your differences is a healthy way to bridge many gaps.

Building the courage to get things off your chest is the hardest part.

Using control as a means of getting what you want isn’t the way to go if you want something done.

Does your relationship seem unbalanced to you? Dr. Nelson examines your frustrations and gives some simple steps to balance the playing field.

The perfect gift doesn’t have a price tag. It’s the little things that mean the most.

Start the new year off by taking a look at the world and your spouse with fresh eyes.

Find out how interacting with your spouse and friends differently during the holidays can seriously cut down on the drama.

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